Try new things. Make new friends. Joining Beavers is just the beginning of your big adventure.

Being a Beaver

Beavers are young people aged 6 to 8 who get an introduction to outdoor activities, have the opportunity to be creative, explore your local community and experience the excitement of a Beaver Scout sleepover with your friends.

Activities & What You'll Get Up To


Get an introduction to outdoor activities, have the opportunity to be creative, explore your local community and experience the excitement of a Beaver Scout sleepover with your friends.

Badges and Awards

Become an expert in something you love, or try something shiny and new. There’s a badge to suit each and every Beaver.

The Promise

As an inclusive and values based Movement, membership is open to all those individuals who share our fundamental values, and are willing to make a commitment to them, expressed by the Promise and Law.

Our Beaver Leaders

All of our leaders are trained volunteers working to make Beavers the best it can be, but we don’t just need swashbuckling adventurers to lead our expeditions. We also need tidy-uppers and tea-makers and great listeners from all walks of life – for as much or as little time as they can spare.

Section Management

We manage our colony using Online Scout Manager.  This secure portal is where you'll find the programme and your scout's record of achievement.  You can ensure we have up to date contact and health details on record, and sign your Scout up for upcoming events.